
2024-10-09 12:17:55   119


  陕西师范大学国际商学院是陕西师范大学顺应大学综合化、研究型和教育创新的要求,于2002年4月创立的学院。2018年1月,学院正式获得国际顶级商学院认证机构——国际精英商学院协会(The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business,简称AACSB)会员资格。学院秉承“天道酬勤”的院训,以“创经济与管理新知,培养具有社会责任感的优秀商业人才”为使命,立足中西部,面向全国,对标全球精英商学院标准,已发展成为一所具有重要影响力的经济与管理学院。现任院长雷宏振,党委书记思培峰。

  The International Business School of Shaanxi Normal University was founded in April 2002 in response to the requirements of comprehensive, research-oriented, and innovative education at the university. In January 2018, the school officially obtained membership of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Adhering to the motto of "Life lies in diligence" the school's mission is to create knowledge in economics and management, nurture the business elites with strong social responsibility. Based in the central and western regions of China but with a national focus, the school benchmarks global elite business school standards and has developed into an economically and management influential institution. The current dean is Lei Hongzhen, and the party secretary is Si Peifeng.

  学院现有教职员工99人,其中专职教师78人,教授20人,副教授50人,博士生导师12人,学术类硕士生导师48人,专业学位硕士生导师54人。学院有“长江学者”讲座教授 1人,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者1人,“陕西青年科技人才”1人,“西安青年科技人才”1人,1人连续三年获Elsevier高被引学者。学院现有全日制本科生709人,学术类硕士研究生271人,专业学位硕士研究生496人,博士研究生45人,留学生6人。

  The school currently has 99 faculty and staff members, including 78 full-time faculty, 20 professors, 50 associate professors, 12 doctoral supervisors, 48 academic master's supervisors, and 54 professional master's supervisors. The school has 1 "Yangtze River Scholar Distinguished Professor”, 1 faculty members were supported by program for New Century Excellent Talents of the Ministry of Education, 1recipient of the "Shaanxi Youth Science and Technology Talent" award, 1 recipient of the "Xi'an Youth Science and Technology Talent" award, and 1 scholar who has been highly cited by Elsevier for three consecutive years. There are currently 709 full-time undergraduate students, 271 academic master's students, 496 professional master's students, 45 doctoral students, and 6 international students.


  The school has six departments: Economics, Finance, International Financial Management, Business Intelligence and Data Science, Organizational Management, and Finance & Accounting. It also has the Shaanxi Provincial Soft Science Research Base - Shaanxi Regional Innovation and Reform Development Soft Science Research Base, along with four university-level research platforms: the China Economic Development Research Center, the Western China Financial Research Center, the Laboratory of Cross-process Perception and Control, and the Center for Poverty Alleviation Policy and Evaluation Studies (the China Think Tank Index). Additionally, the school has a provincial-level Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center - the Digital Business Experimental Teaching Center, and a provincial-level Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center - the Economic and Management Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center.


  The School has two post-doctoral stations in theoretical economics and business administration. IBS has doctoral degree program in theoretical economics and business administration and master’s degree program in theoretical economics, applied economics and business administration. And the School also provides MBA and MPAcc degree program. National Economics is a key discipline at the provincial and ministerial level, and Theoretical Economics is designated as a key discipline supported by the university as part of its first-class discipline initiative. The School leverages the university's strong humanities background and foundational science disciplines, emphasizes the development of Marxist Political Economy in contemporary times, and focuses on key areas such as Chinese Development Economics, Behavioral Economics, and Management to build its unique strengths.


  IBS currently offers seven undergraduate programs (or specializations) in Economics, Finance (including a non-teacher training innovation experimental class in Quantitative Finance at the university level), Marketing, Big Data Management and Application, Human Resource Management, and Financial Management. Among these, the Economics program is recognized as a national first-class undergraduate program, while the Financial Management and Finance programs are recognized as provincial first-class undergraduate programs. The School, drawing on the experiences of top business schools both domestically and internationally, has established a comprehensive curriculum system aimed at cultivating high-quality talent. These individuals are expected to have a solid theoretical foundation in economics and management, possess research capabilities, and be able to apply knowledge in economics, management, information technology, and foreign languages in government, enterprises, financial institutions, or academia.

  IBS has developed two national-level first-class courses, three provincial-level excellent resource-sharing courses, 17 university-level excellent courses, five university-level bilingual demonstration courses, seven university-level full English teaching demonstration courses, six university-level teaching teams, and 29 university-level informatized courses. Additionally, it offers a large-scale public compulsory course on innovation and entrepreneurship theory and practice (both online and offline) for the entire university. The college also has one provincial-level off-campus practice education base for university students and 30 university-level internship practice bases, providing a solid platform and ample development opportunities for enhancing students' comprehensive abilities.


  Since 2016, IBS offers two main admission majors at the beginning in undergraduate program: Economics and Business Administration. Students begin to choose their specific majors in the second semester of their freshman year. During the first year, the curriculum primarily consists of core general education courses and public foundational courses in the discipline. In the remaining three years, students mainly study courses related to their chosen specific majors. The overall course design reflects a philosophy of personalized and diverse training, providing students with more options in their course selections. Additionally, the School emphasizes the combination of theory and practice by increasing the proportion of practical courses. It also balances required and elective courses by increasing the proportion of electives. In terms of teaching methods, the college focuses on teaching innovation, emphasizing case-based teaching, practical teaching, and computer simulation experiments.


  IBS vigorously implements a strategy to strengthen the institution through research. It builds research teams centered around research teams, regularly organizes academic lectures, and invites well-known entrepreneurs, scholars, and government officials from both domestic and international backgrounds to give talks. These initiatives facilitate face-to-face communication and interaction with faculty and students, leading to continuous improvement in the research capabilities of the faculty. Since its establishment, the School's faculty has undertaken significant research projects, including one major project funded by the Ministry of Education for philosophy and social sciences, one key project funded by the National Social Science Foundation, 69 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and the National Social Science Foundation, and 604 other provincial and ministerial-level projects. Faculty members have published over 1,314 papers in mainstream academic journals and have authored or co-authored more than 241 monographs and textbooks. The faculty has also received over 100 provincial and other various teaching achievement awards, including two first prizes and one third prize in the provincial micro-lecture competition, one first prize and one second prize in the provincial classroom teaching innovation competition, one first prize in the provincial young teachers' teaching competition, and four provincial and ministerial-level scientific achievement awards. Additionally, they have won two first prizes, three second prizes, six third prizes, and 23 excellence awards in the university’s young teachers' basic skills competition, along with multiple university-level awards for teaching quality excellence.


  IBS has established an MBA and MPAcc Professional Degree Education Center, responsible for the training and management of MBA and MPAcc professional master's students. It has appointed a number of renowned domestic economists and management experts as part-time professors to guide MBA and MPAcc students in their studies and research. The Professional Degree Center is equipped with modern teaching and practice facilities, including dedicated multimedia classrooms, scenario practice rooms, small seminar rooms, a library reading room, behavioral economics and management laboratories, e-commerce laboratories, and practical training bases. These facilities provide strong support for the students' learning.


  Since its establishment, IBS has been on the way of internationalization, and it has established academic exchange and students exchange programs with various institutions such as the East Carolina University, University of Georgia, University of Missouri, University of Idaho, University of North Florida, University of Edith Cowan, University of New England, University of Waikato and Massey University in New Zealand, Nagoya University of Japan, Royal University of Canada, University of Cardiff of Britain, University of Greenwich, Nancy Business School in France. A number of foreign faculty members and famous professors have been introduced, offering more than 10 courses for graduates and undergraduates cumulatively. Every year, IBS holds summer schools and invites foreign professors to introduce frontier academic knowledge for students. Our faculty and students have participated in more than 20 international academic conferences and engaged in over 30 overseas visits and exchanges. The school has held more than 50 various international and domestic academic conferences.


  The vision of IBS is to become the national top and internationally renowned business school rooted in the Midwest China. We uphold two-way process of teaching and research, insist mutual promotion of teachers and students. We value outstanding character with self-confidence and self-independence and we believe fortune favors the diligent and innovator gains the power. We are committed to nurturing talents with a sense of social responsibility, generosity, creativity, passion and global vision. With the support of all faculty and students, we will endeavor to develop the school into a sought-after knowledge palace and an esteemed wisdom highland.


  培养目标Educational Objectives


  The major aims to cultivate students with a solid foundation of Marx’s economic theory and modern economics theory and be proficient in the use of knowledge and methods in economics, management, finance, statistics and applied economics to analyze and solve practical issues. Students are supposed to be familiar with national economic policies, laws and regulations and the domestic and foreign general business planning and practices; possess broad knowledge and application ability; be able to do qualitative research and quantitative analysis on economic issues; have the innovative thinking and innovation consciousness. This specialty is designed to nurture senior specialized professionals for government departments, financial institutions, enterprises, and institutions of higher learning.

  主干课程Core Courses


  Political Economics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Study on Marx’s Das Capital, Econometrics, Game Theory and Information Economics, Mathematical Economics, Development Economics, Regional Economics, Industrial Economics, Labor Economics, Population & Resource & Environmental Economics, Finance, International Finance, International Economics, History of Economic Theories, Economic History, Theory of the Firm.


  培养目标Educational Objectives


  The specialty of Finance aims to promote the students’ moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development. It trains high-quality applied talents who could adapt to the needs of socialist market economy development, and with innovative spirit and a sense of responsibility. Besides, students are expected to have good competencies in economics and management and could master the basic theory and skills in finance and investment. They are supposed to have the ability to work in banks, securities, insurance companies and other financial institutions, as well as economic management departments and enterprises, as applied senior professionals.

  主干课程Core Courses


  Basic Microeconomics, Basic Macroeconomics, Finance, Insurance, Management, Accounting, Statistics, Central Banking, Financial Intermediaries, Corporate Finance, Investment Banking, International Finance, Financial Market, Securities Investment, Commercial Bank Management, Bank of Credit Management, Game Theory and Information Economics, Econometrics, Financial Engineering, Behavior Finance, Internet Finance, Personal Finance, Stochastic Process, Mathematical Modeling etc.


  培养目标Educational Objectives


  The specialty of Marketing aims to promote students’ moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development, physical and mental health development. The specialty will cultivate students in: the innovative spirit and practical ability; mastery of management, economics and information technology knowledge; the new marketing concept and marketing environment analyzing; marketing strategy planning and implementation; international marketing business rules; modern marketing theories and methods, etc.. Students are supposed to use the marketing professional skills in enterprises and institutions and deal with issues related to marketing, marketing management, marketing consulting and planning, market investigation and research.

  主干课程Core Courses


  Management, Marketing, Modern Sales Strategies, Consumer Behavior, Network Marketing, Marketing Research and Predicting, International Marketing, Service Marketing, Marketing Information System Management, Marketing Strategy Management, Operations Management, Marketing and Advertising Planning, Marketing Case Research, Business Negotiation, Consumer Economics, Distribution Management, Pricing Theory and Strategy, Product Management, Brand Management, FMCG Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Accounting, Advertising, Marketing Budget and Control, Marketing Consulting Management, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Retail Marketing, Marketing Engineering.

  大数据管理与应用专业The Big Data Management and Application

  培养目标Educational Objectives


  The major of Big Data Management and Application mainly aims to cultivate students with all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic grounding with a hard-working spirit, who can adapt to the needs of the digital economic development in the context of a new technological revolution, possess a solid theoretical foundation in big data management, master technologies and methods in big data management and have practical skills in analysis of business data intelligently and quantitatively. The students of this specialty can engage in big data development, big data analysis, data mining and big data visualization in fields such as enterprises and institutions, government departments, and financial institutions.

  主干课程Core Courses


  Applied Statistics, Probability & Mathematical Statistics, Cyber-Big Data Business Model, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Introduction to Data Science, Big Data Technologies, Big Data Governance, Introduction to Data Structure and Algorithms, Machine Learning Algorithms, Python Programming Basics and Web Crawler, Business Data Analysis and Visualization, Business Intelligence, Database Principle and Application, Social Network Analysis, Internet User Behavior Portrait, Text Analysis and Text Mining, E-commerce Introduction.


  培养目标Educational Objectives

  培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,具备一定自然科学和人文社会科学素养,掌握管理学、经济学、心理学等方面基本理论,熟练掌握人力资源管理理论体系、专业技能与方法,熟悉劳动法律与政策规定,具有分析与解决人力资源管理问题的一般能力,具备绩效改进思维和创新精神。 能够在企业、政府、事业单位等组织中从事人力资源管理相关工作的管理人员、职业经理人、管理咨询师及研究人员。培养毕业生定位于能够胜任企业、政府、事业单位等组织中人力资源管理工作的应用型专门人才,为组织中管理问题的分析与解决提供管理、咨询与研究。

  The specialty of Human Resource Management aims to promote the students’ moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development, and to make students get certain accomplishment in natural science, humanities and social sciences, and to provide students with a solid theoretical foundation of Management, Psychology, and Sociology. On completion of the program, students are expected to have a mastery of the theoretical system, professional skills and methods of Human Resource Management, while also be familiar with labor law and relevant policies, be competent of analyzing and solving the problems in Human Resource Management. This specialty is designed to cultivate managerial staff, professional managers, management consultants, and researchers engaged in human resource management in enterprises, government departments, public institutions, and other organizations. This specialty is oriented to prepare graduates to be competent human resource management professionals, who are committed to providing management, consultancy and research for analyzing and solving management problems in organizations of enterprises, government departments, public institutions and other organizations.

  主干课程Core Courses


  Management, Labor Economics, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Planning, Personnel Assessment, Social Insurance, Management of Communication and Conflict, Job Analysis and Design, Recruitment and Selection, Training Management, Organizational Career Management, Salary Design and Incentive-payment Mechanism, Performance Management, Labor Relations Management, Human Resource Management Consulting.


  培养目标Educational Objectives


  The specialty of Financial Management aims to promote the students’ moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development. It is designed to prepare students for the senior specialized professionals in financial management. With solid theoretical foundation of financial management, wide scope of knowledge, innovative spirit and practical ability, the students can develop a career of financial management in business sectors, financial institutions, social agencies and enterprises. Students are expected to master accounting treatment and management, financial fundraising, investment, operations and other expertise, and have multi-skill knowledge structure and certain computer application competency.

  主干课程Core Courses


  Accounting, Intermediate Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Financial Reporting Analysis, Auditing, Financial Management Principles, Intermediate Financial Management, International Financial Management, Accounting Information System, Advanced Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Tax Planning, Securities Investment, Investment Banking, Internal Control, etc.

